June 17, 2019 – Griffon Publishing Studios officially released Peter Schweighofer’s OpenD6 solitaire adventure gamebook, Trapped in the Museum, in a 20th anniversary edition. “I first developed and released this solo adventure in the year after West End Games declared bankruptcy and laid off its staff,” Schweighofer said. “Trapped in the Museum was part of an effort to keep my name and game design reputation in the public eye in the hopes it might attract some freelance writing work. It was the unintentional launch of a 20-year independent publishing career.” Schweighofer talks more about his experiences with and inspirations for Trapped in the Museum in a Hobby Games Recce blog post.
44-page gamebook contains
an introduction with character stats
and basic rules revised
for the OpenD6
57 entries, full-color artwork, and D6
game stats so you can use the adversaries in your own pulp
game adventures. Readers
make story choices and die rolls, following numbered entries
rules for overcoming obstacles based on the classic D6
developed by West End Games. Just
add a few six-sided dice and you’re ready to play!
in the Museum
is available as a pay-what-you-want PDF download from DriveThruRPG.
Those seeking something to read and keep on the bookshelf can order a
full-color print-on-demand version from Lulu. Of
course readers can still download
the original, free version of Trapped
in the Museum
from 20 years ago using S.
John Ross’
game mechanics. Check out the Griffon Publishing Studio “Free Downloads” page.